Cabins are managed by independent churches/associations and provide Falls Creek their updated cabin information and the availability of their cabin for rent. Cabin listings are regularly updated. Recommended steps for renting are below.
Need help? Interested in sharing cabin rental costs with a sister church?
IFC Housing Director, Frank Dillon can help answer questions and connect churches via email. Please make contact soon to reduce any rush before camp and help with planning. 918-380-5818
Hotel and Lodges
Whether you’re interested in staying in a cozy lodge room, a multi-use apartment, or even a do-it-yourself cabin, Falls Creek has your overnights covered. Campers must call the Conference Center directly to make reservations. For more information regarding hotel/lodge prices, please call the Fall Creek Conference Center at 580-369-2101.
​Please note that the Thompson Family Lodge is reserved first for IFC program personnel and prior to public availability. Important: Mandatory background checks are also required to stay in all lodges.
Recommended steps for selecting
and renting a Falls Creek Cabin:
Step 1: Determine the size, capacity, price, and preferred location of a cabin. Have the attached Falls Creek map on hand for reference.
Step 2: Visit to search the cabins by entering specific filters that will match your church’s needs.
Step 3: Contact the owner directly for availability for the date(s) you desire, referring to the contact information listed with each cabin. You may contact the Falls Creek office if you are unable to reach the owner (580-369-2101).
Step 4: Review the cabin details for accuracy, noting any updates with the cabin owner.
Step 5: If interested, request a contract via email for review.
Step 6: If interested, schedule an on-site cabin visit prior to entering into a contract.
Step 7: Provide cabin deposit per contract date and the remaining balance by the due date.
Step 8: Schedule date and time with the designated cabin manager or representative for cabin check-in, if applicable. Use check-in time to make note of and take pictures of any existing damages.
Step 9: Schedule a date and time with the designated cabin manager or representative for cabin check-out time, if applicable.