Stewards of Grace
1 Peter 4:10
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
Join us for Indian Falls Creek's 75th Anniversary
July 31 - August 4, 2022
The main worship band for the week will be “1 Nation.”
Our Pre-worship groups will be as follows:
Sunday - Donna Bear
Monday - Jesse Hernandez
Tuesday - Pam Wesley
Wednesday - Tyrone Smith
Registration Fees
6 years and younger $15, 7 years and older $55
No charge to attend evening service!
You can arrange cabin rentals and/or individual lodging through the Falls Creek Conference Center directly. You can also view available cabins here. If you need assistance, please contact IFC Housing Director Frank Dillon.
Early Arrival Information
Oklahoma Churches arriving early on Saturday and staying the night will be charged and additional days registration fee of $10 per person. There is not a charge for bringing and dropping off supplies early but please alert the cabin owner. The policy is for all early arrivals and not just a special rule for Indian Falls Creek.
Out of state churches arriving early; the early fee will be waived, groups can't arrive before 6pm Saturday night, must remain in your cabin, and must contact us a week before camp begins. Only Indian Falls Creek Staff and Out of State Churches are allowed as early arrivals.
Registration Forms
Available Below!
Dress Code and Code of Conduct
Indian Falls Creek is planned for the entire family. Churches, please review the Codes with your youth AND adult campers.