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Camper Safety

At IFC, we want all our campers to feel safe as they worship together and encounter Jesus. Here are some of our safety procedures that are put in place to ensure the safety of everyone attending IFC.


  • Falls Creek is a closed campus during summer camps. Access is only granted to those who are registrants of the camp in session. Day guests are permitted, however they will be stopped at the gate and the gate attendant will run a check using the person’s driver’s license to allow for entry.

  • All camp participants aged 18 or older must have background checks run and cleared to participate.
    Falls Creek will train camp leadership in the FBI “Run, Hide, Fight” training designed for active shooter scenarios.

  • Falls Creek provides the presence of security by multiple means:

    • A trained Courtesy staff that is constantly patrolling the grounds looking for any suspicious or malicious activity.

    • An armed security staff that is provided by a third-party private security firm that employs active-duty police officers. These security officers are armed beyond what is seen, in preparation for serious situations.

    • A good relationship exists between Falls Creek and the Murray County Sheriff’s Department, who provide an excellent response time to issues on grounds.

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