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(Updated 07/18/21)

Your Indian Falls Creek Board of Directors is so excited to be planning and preparing for IFC 2021. We are days from camp, understand how confusing and trying these times can be, and want you to be informed and ready for any questions your church may have in regard to COVID-19.


​The IFC Board of Directors are using updated CDC guidelines and taking into consideration the diversity in age, the home locations of all campers, and the safety of our volunteer workers in making these recommendations for IFC 2021.


The IFC Board of Directors wants to Empower Each Church

​We encourage each church to be accountable and responsible for the people you bring. Diligence and consistency will be key in helping your people stay safe at IFC.

  • It will be up to your church to establish health and safety procedures for your cabin.

  • That responsibility needs to be maintained throughout camp.

  • From the oldest to the youngest, make every camper’s safety your priority.


​IFC COVID Recommended Guidelines:

1) Get vaccinated — Each church should encourage members planning to attend IFC to get vaccinated ASAP. We will not be requiring / asking for proof of vaccinations yet do STRONGLY recommend vaccination!


​2) Stock up on PPE — Masks, gloves, sanitizer, & cleaning supplies need to be provided and used in your cabin. Most tribes will provide supplies if requested. Falls Creek Camp will have hand sanitizer at the heavier populated areas/facilities. IFC will NOT be providing these supplies to cabins.


​3) Practice prevention — Encourage campers to quarantine before camp. Ask those who have been ill to get tested and cleared before attending camp. Take temps before leaving for camp.


​4) Make a plan for your church/cabin — Everyone you bring should know your plan: social distancing, requiring masks, cleaning, closing/limiting other campers in your cabin, etc. Know what to do if someone becomes ill at camp. Do what you need to do to keep your people safe!


​5) Practice safe habits at camp — The IFC Board of Directors is requiring campers to wear masks during programmed indoor events, classes, etc. We also strongly encourage campers to wear masks in crowded outdoor spaces. Frequent handwashing and social distancing are also key tools in keeping everyone safe. 


“When people who are not fully vaccinated wear a mask correctly, they protect others as well as themselves. Consistent and correct mask use by people who are not fully vaccinated is especially important indoors and in crowded settings, when physical distancing cannot be maintained.” – CDC Camp Guidance*

Remember, you are living with people outside of your family for a whole week.



Sit as a Group During All Services

  • ALL churches/cabins will be required to sit together during services.

  • Please help us implement this rule by ensuring your cabin members know your chosen section.

  • Our ushers will be helping children and youth find their groups as they are able.

  • Make sure your group understands before camp!

  • ​

​Preschool, Children’s Church and VBS

IFC wants all of our children and volunteer workers to enjoy camp safely.

  • Children will need to wear masks when attending classes and Children’s Church.

  • Churches/Cabins, instruct your children to sit together during Children’s Church, workers will assist as best as possible.

  • Please bring supplies for your campers. Limited supplies will be available.


In summary, we want to encourage you to do whatever you need to do to keep your people safe. Please remember these guidelines are only recommendations. Not everyone who attends IFC will have the same thoughts and beliefs about COVID. Some will be strict, some will be relaxed, we just want to be sure everyone is respected.


Please check our website regularly in the days and weeks before camp for any updates.


Contact IFC Assistant Director Ron Neal at with questions or concerns.





Executive Director

Victor Cope


517 S. Francis Street

Ada, OK 74820


(405) 388-1568

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©2019 by Indian Falls Creek Baptist Assembly

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