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Virtual camp 2020

Download the Indian Falls Creek App to your Android or Apple Device now to access the Virtual IFC 2020 content like the Live Stream Services and Daily Classes for all ages and much more!

IFC 2020 Conferences



Gather up the family, friends or group each day/night and meet at a convenient location to watch the nightly service and to attend classes. Consider meeting at your home, the church (if allowable), or a friend’s house.

Form a discussion group with your friends, your church, your youth group etc. via Zoom, Skype, WhatsAPP or other channels.

Take a photo of your group and post it on the IFC FB Page showing your family/friend/church group.

Have an Indian Taco night or Native dish night. Have a traditional native wear night. Have an IFC T-shirt night. Wear one of the new IFC T-shirts or your favorite retro IFC t-shirt.

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